We're back!


Oh how we've looked forward to this day. And here it is! We are back for family photography! It's going to be fun.

But... It's also going to be safe. We're under no illusion that we still need to follow strict social distancing rules. Coronavirus is still out there and is still a danger. However, we've always worked outside on location and have no need to be closer than 2m to you. So with some minor changes, we're ready to shoot you again.

If this lockdown has taught us anything, it's that we can't take our health - and the health of our family - for granted. It's only well and good putting something off until tomorrow when you are sure you can do it tomorrow.

So carpe diem, stop procrastinating, and book those family photos you've been meaning to all this time. To help you, the first 20 people to fill in the form below will get their session for free (normally £90).

As mentioned, we've made some changes to our process, which you can read about here, but it's still just as simple and easy for you to get professional photographs. (And our special COVID page is updated frequently with the latest status.)

A laughing stock?

Who is swiping left on you?