Post haste

PO Box 335, TW12 9DP

Letters. Do you remember them? Pieces of processed tree, marked with ink, stuffed into another piece of paper with a picture of the queen on it, and finally pushed through a hole in your front door.

Nowadays it's just bills. But on occasion - just rarely - you get a nice one. A postcard. A handwritten thank you note. A court summons...

Except, we haven't. It turns out that, through a comedy of errors (narrator: it wasn't funny), Royal Mail cancelled our PO Box (and charged us more than it was worth to not provide this service).

In short, we've not been receiving snail mail for a few months. So our apologies if it appears we've been ignoring you. It definitely wasn't on purpose...

We're now back - and to give them their due, Royal Mail has sorted this out (eventually) - so please send us a lovely letter. We will receive it!

Looking good, during a crisis

That virus: a (mostly) serious blog post...