Looking good, during a crisis

Right, we're bored of taking photographs of our families, indoors. And, let's be brutally honest, we are a small business and we need to make money to pay the rent (etc).

So here's one of our lesser advertised aspects of our business, which we hope can help other small businesses to maintain their income during social distancing.

Professional product photography

As we can't meet and photograph people, we can photograph products. If you sell online, or now need to sell online, professional photographs can make a big difference to your success (and the price you can get for your products).

We're offering 50% off our normal shoot rates - all you need to be able to do is send us the products to shoot.

Visit our special mini-site here for more information: http://business.dkclarke.photos/products

Keeping your kids entertained (part 13,484...)

Post haste