I’m too late for the opening fanfare, as it’s been a couple of weeks since I took over, but I’ll still blow my own trumpet a little… For I am - for one year only - what’s grandly entitled President of Chiswick’s finest business networking group: BNI Hogarth.
Now, networking might not seem to be the most glamourous way to spend a couple of hours, but it is a fantastic way to improve your business. And I’m honoured to have been asked to lead these meetings for the next year - and when I say lead, I’m really just a master of ceremonies, but I’m definitely going to let the power go to my head. Still, two weeks in and no coup d’etat; not bad…
Satire: not dead (apparently...)
Apart from its glorious leader, the best thing about Hogarth is its members. So if you are a business owner in Chiswick or west London, we’d love to have you as a visitor. You’ll get a warm welcome, a fine breakfast and the chance to tell the finest local business people who you are and what you are looking for.
To come along, just drop me a line and I’ll tell you more and invite you to our next meeting.
All hail El Presidente (cough)