One bright spot


There's not a great deal to celebrate at the moment. We're under lockdown again and unable to see friends and family. But here's a slim ray of sunshine for you.

Most importantly, we hope you and all those dear to you are safe and well (and stay that way). If we had a shoot booked with you, we'll have been in touch to reschedule (when we can...)

If you didn't have a shoot booked with us, why not? Let us remedy that.

While the UK (well, England) is under lockdown, we're offering free family shoots (and a free framed print) - worth £175 - to anybody who fills in our form.

As soon as we are up and running again, we want to be busy. And we want to be busy taking photographs of you!

Fill in your details on our page here and we'll do the rest.

Stay safe

Goodbye 2020

Deja vu, ad nauseum, on repeat...